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Special FX and Fabrication
Services at Canopy Creative

Our team of experienced fabricators, designers, and artists are passionate about creating unique and memorable physical experiences that transport users to new worlds and enhance their real-world experiences.


We offer a wide range of fabrication and special effects services, including set design and construction, prop fabrication, costume and makeup design, animatronics, and practical effects.

Our team has extensive experience in creating physical environments, props, and costumes that are visually stunning and realistic. We utilize cutting-edge technology and materials to bring our clients' visions to life and create unique experiences that engage audiences.

Trex Skull 3D Print Fabrication
Project Redstone VR Venue in Melbourne Australia

Our fabrication and special effects services cater to various industries, including film, television, events, and exhibitions. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and create physical experiences that exceed their expectations.

We also offer post-production support and maintenance services to ensure that our clients' physical experiences are always up to date and functional. Our commitment to quality and attention to detail is what sets us apart from other fabrication and special effects studios.

Lighting and Projection
Foam Brain Design

Dont Wait...
Grow Your Vision With
Canopy Creative

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